Services for you and your loved ones

  • The Ryan White Part A program offers eligible people core medical services and essential support services across 10 counties in Massachusetts and New Hampshire.

    Services include: Medical and dental care, HIV treatment, assistance with housing or food, navigating the system/case management.

    View full and detailed list of services

    Contact us if you need help finding what you need!

  • To be eligible for services you must be:

    1. HIV positive

    2. Live in Bristol, Norfolk, Plymouth, Suffolk, and Worcester county in Massachusetts; Hillsborough, Rockingham, or Strafford county in New Hampshire

    3. Income 500% or less of the current federal poverty level

    For questions or concerns regarding eligibility please review the website here: Service Eligibility

  • If you wish to be informed on Division updates and activities, as well as opportunities for our stakeholders, please subscribe to our newsletter.

    Ryan White Boston EMA newsletter

  • Boston Public Health Commission is here for you. Find additional HIV and STI testing, prevention and treatment services near you by going to: